The Journey of Successful Entrepreneurs

This infogrphics clearly shows that how entrepreneur who started from scratch become giants of today’s world. These successful entrepreneurs did not fed up by any means but keep trying, testing different ideas until they achieved what other only dreaming. So Entrepreneurship is all about keep trying and testing new ideas regardless of failures. The Journey … Read more

Top 4 Futurist Predictions That Remain Unfulfilled

Futurist Predictions-A gateway to our future have you seen the Future? No one has seen it. We can only imagine it through over predictions and yeah also through Sci-Fi movies.  These movies take us into an entirely different world where we meet ice age, flying cars, flying humans, and Super natural human and yup you … Read more

Penguemic World Domination: A Game by Learn District Startup

PENGUEMIC World Domination is an educational game. It is a creation by learn District the basic aim of this is to promote literacy and fun way of education through gaming. Laila Shabbir is the CEO of Learn District, she is an IT woman who has earned her degree from MIT. She is an developer, passionate … Read more

Top 10 Ways of Dealing with Difficult People

There are 6.4 billion folks on this mighty earth. All are of different colors, race, language and nature. Surely there are chances of conflict. It is almost impossible to have friendly relation with everyone as well as  to get positive vibes from every folk out there. The world is full with difficult people  and dealing … Read more

Top 10 Complains of Men About Women

Generally, it is considered that women are more nagging as compared to men. True! but that doesn’t mean men have no problems or complains especially when there is a “wife” in their life. For some guys out there “woman” is a biggest problem in itself. Well that completely depends on your experience. Woman tends to … Read more

How Facebook Cuts Down Your iPhone Battery Life?

iPhone Battery Life

Are you one of them that are blaming their iPhone Battery Life is short than your requirement?  iPhone Battery Life is most crucial problem for its users. Then you are in the wrong lane. Your iPhone is innocent the major culprit are Facebook apps that are cutting down the battery life of your iPhone. It’s quite exhausting … Read more

Learn District Startup Developing Educational Games -Startup Round

Learn District startup is a game studio focusing on developing educational games. The basic aim of this start up is to promote literacy and fun way of education through gaming. Laila Shabbir is the CEO of Learn District, she is an IT woman who has earned her degree from MIT. She is an economist, developer … Read more