Social Media How Facebook Cuts Down Your iPhone Battery Life? Are you one of them that are blaming their iPhone Battery Life is short than your requirement? iPhone Battery… ShoaibApril 10, 2014No comments
Social Media Technology Facebook’s Acquisition of Oculus VR in 2 Billion Dollars: Right or Wrong? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is becoming shopaholic day by day recently he purchased WhatsApp for around $19… ShoaibApril 1, 2014No comments
Social Media Technology Twitter’s Latest Feature: What’s Your “First Tweet?” Recently, the popular Social media site Twitter added a fresh addition to Twitter called “First Tweet”. Twitter… ShoaibMarch 24, 2014No comments
Social Media Facebook Plans to Buy Drone Company Titan Aerospace for $60 Million Facebook is in conversation with other giant technology companies to disseminate internet connection to the… ShoaibMarch 17, 2014No comments
Social Media Facebook bought Whats app for 19$ Billion Whats app is a popular messaging app. This app was founded by former Yahoo engineers Jan Koum and Brian Acton.… ShoaibFebruary 22, 2014No comments
Lifestyle Social Media Technology Ways To Improve Galaxy S Line of Smartphones Introduction: Samsung is going to unveil its new model Samsung Galaxy S5 in S series. The model is rumored to be… ShoaibFebruary 16, 2014No comments
Social Media Technology Smartphone Buyers Guide – Things You Must Consider While Buying Smartphone is the best invention of today’s life. A smartphone gives you the flexibility to keep lots of your… ShoaibNovember 11, 2013No comments
Social Media Technology 6 Ways to Protect Your Personal Data on Internet–ReadTheTech According to internet world stats, 2.4 billion people are using internet till writing this post. With such a… ShoaibNovember 9, 2013No comments