Twitter’s Latest Feature: What’s Your “First Tweet?”

Recently, the popular Social media site Twitter added a fresh addition to Twitter called “First Tweet”. Twitter launched it on its 8th birthday.  This feature shows you the first tweet of any Twitter user or Personality.  People began to express a little something on Twitter in 2006. There were 140-character bursts of plain text. After Eight years, Twitter users have modified it into a fascinating platform where you can uncover new ideas, make real human bonding and express yourself openly. The “first tweet” is basically a gesture of thank you by Twitter. To use this new feature you are only required to provide the username of the person and twitter will display the first tweet. The world’s opening tweet was short, cursory and noteworthy for its loss of punctuation and capitalization. It was sent by Jack Dorsey, nearly eight years ago on 21 March. It seemed like it was a swift way of getting news.

As time passed more people signed up for Twitter, more first tweets rise. Some were like Dorsey’s, brief and punctuation less and vague Tweets. Others ignored the “Hey! Now I’m on Twitter!” mess and jumped directly into the articulate new world of 140-character life updates.

First Tweet

The results of “First tweet” are usually delightful, zany, comical and humbling. Many are professional in tone. Some tweets were quite down to business, some were quite open and casual. Some tweets were romantic based and some were quite Professional.

About “First Tweet”

After eight years, Twitter has become the dominant platform for chattering and micro blogging. It covers every area including breaking news and live TV events such as the Oscars and the Super Bowl. Now Twitter has more than 241 million active users monthly. This notable new feature is quite trendy and most of the people are using this service. Before the opening of “First Tweet” people goggled the first tweets of famous personality and the results sometimes were not very clear. You have to scroll hundreds and thousands of Tweets up and down. You can also re-tweet your first tweet if you don’t like it. In that case you can see a bundle of “My First Tweets”.

first tweet on twitter

This new feature is quite nostalgic for users. Twitter reveals plethora of tweets from Tom Cruise to common men to Barack Obama. There was one thing common in them, they all were “Awful”. Let’s take a check.

Oprah Winfrey most inspirational woman of the world tweeted  live on her show she said:


Katy Perry is the most popular star with 51.3 million followers she said:

Just got into Berlin… feeling better thank you, have my vicks inhaler by my bedside… and P.S. I GOT TWITTTTER! GAH. Such a follower!

Justin Bieber  the youth sensation tweeted:

Check out my single “ONE TIME” on my myspace and spread the word for me. Thanks JustinBeiber

Kim Kardashian tweeted on 26 Oct 2008:

@TeamKardashians OMG your background is FIRE!!!! I want my pics bigger I think, will u help me?

The early tweet of the Senator Barack Obama was about signing the petition against Iraq.

Thinking we’re only one signature away from ending the war in Iraq. Learn more at

After getting defeat from Barack Obama Senator John McCain’s first tweet came after 3 days when Obama was the elected as the president of USA.

I am working in my office on Capitol Hill today.

Russel Brand tweeted:

i have come to join you pleas be gentle with me as ive been feeling vulnerable… yet implausibly, sexy the tweet is quite open and inforam.

first tweet

Effect of “First Tweet”

Twitter provides its platform to everyone from common people to political rivals to come and express what they feel. Twitter was also embraced in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Statistics show that it is the most famous site in Saudi Arabia. Although, the government of KSA has objections on twitter use. When twitter first came in the scenario most of the people had no idea of what it is all about?. People’s first tweets were quite terrible and inward. First shows us the funny and zany side of many personalities. It shows how confuse and puzzled they were and now they are using this micro blogging site without any reluctance. People started to indulge twitter into their life. Many revolutions came in the front using Twitter and other social media sites like the one in Egypt. Now, Twitter is the very Powerful and trusted tool across the world. People love to articulate their thoughts and views on it. The main aim of Twitter is to connect People and it is quite successful in it. Twitter is followed by people from different age group and different regions. Now it is taking you back to let you see your first tweets. So don’t wait it’s the time to get embarrassed by your old self.